In the last few weeks I have been stressed out, freaked out and on the edge of causing bodily harm to everyone in my path. There is a whole battery of excuses that I could give for my edgy behavior and a number of apologies that I could, should, and have made (excluding U-Haul, I don't regret anything I said or did there!!) Here are a few standard excuses I like:
--Red Hair (a fun one to cop to whenever squeaky and irrational screaming is involved)
--Being Broke (this is a simple catch-all excuse for any number of things AND is entirely true)
--Moving makes me crazy (also a known fact)
--Being Tired (another handy blanket excuse)
That said, I know as well as everyone that hatred and violence only breed more of the same, and I have crappy health insurance and can't afford the collateral damage. So how does one quell the rage within? Well, love of course. Hmm..........and whom should I love? I could go the Miss America route here and say "everyone" but, that would be lame and difficult to measure, so I'll pick the future Mr. Purlygrl. That has a nice ring to it doesn't it?
According to conventional internet knowledge (I couldn't find a real consensus within the framework of actual psychological research) it takes 21 days to make and/or break a habit. So, with the wisdom of behind me, I will forge forward with 21 days of love. For the next 21 days I will do something loving for my sweetheart every day. I firmly believe that love is not a feeling (feelings are for sissies), it is an action, a choice, something we live, something we DO.
Thus today was day 1.
--Red Hair (a fun one to cop to whenever squeaky and irrational screaming is involved)
--Being Broke (this is a simple catch-all excuse for any number of things AND is entirely true)
--Moving makes me crazy (also a known fact)
--Being Tired (another handy blanket excuse)
That said, I know as well as everyone that hatred and violence only breed more of the same, and I have crappy health insurance and can't afford the collateral damage. So how does one quell the rage within? Well, love of course. Hmm..........and whom should I love? I could go the Miss America route here and say "everyone" but, that would be lame and difficult to measure, so I'll pick the future Mr. Purlygrl. That has a nice ring to it doesn't it?
According to conventional internet knowledge (I couldn't find a real consensus within the framework of actual psychological research) it takes 21 days to make and/or break a habit. So, with the wisdom of behind me, I will forge forward with 21 days of love. For the next 21 days I will do something loving for my sweetheart every day. I firmly believe that love is not a feeling (feelings are for sissies), it is an action, a choice, something we live, something we DO.
Thus today was day 1.
Day 1: Woke up early and made breakfast for my sweetie. I'm sure you wonder why this is loving? If you ever lived with me you would understand. Mornings and I have a very tenuous relationship, one largely associated with loathing, grunts and hostility. I simply don't understand morning AT ALL. Why is there morning? Why would anyone wake up before 10? Why do people talk to me before I've had coffee? Why am I expected to be nice before noon? All of these great questions factor into my disinterest in having breakfast with ANYONE at any time prior to 11ish. Still, my love wishes to have breakfast together and has made the request on numerous occasions and so my first act of love was to get up early and make breakfast for him. Funny thing is that it was actually kind of nice (except for the morning part.)
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